"Lest we forget our indigenous forefathers who sheltered our enslaved family, as they ran naked and afraid into the wilderness"...
- Thunderwolf
BICONA is the acronym for “Black Indian Confederacy of North America". The organization was founded in 2010, by Thunderwolf, as a support system for indigenous families living on deprived U.S. Indian reservations throughout the nation.
Native people are a part of Black history and a part of the reason why the Black community is where they are today.
Thunderwolf, being of Black and native lineage, founded the BICONA Foundation to honor and support the many native nations who went before him and fought to survive.
In early America, when African were shipped to the “New World” and sold into slavery, many escaped into the wilderness and united with various indigenous nations, where they became a part of a society of people who would not only prove to be a great asset to them, but eventually, them, to the native people.
The Black community has always been a strong community of determined individuals who have always managed to thrive, even in the face of adversity.
Since chattel slavery and the Jim Crow era, the Black community has become quite successful. However, the foundation of Black success was not earned without the aid of various native nations, who help the Black community, with such things as harboring runaway slaves and allowing parts of the Underground Railroad to pass through Indian territory.
But somewhere along the line, the Black community seemed to have turned their backs on native people, with thousands of American Indians freezing, starving, and dying, including small children and the elderly, on poor reservations across the U.S.
The BICONA foundation honors and assists those who share/shared a similar struggle and were there for the Black community, in their ime of need.
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